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Work With Us

What are we looking for?

We have an open call for powerful, character-driven short documentary films that help us all better understand ourselves as individuals, communities and an entire planet.

We are currently immersing ourselves in the brilliant films that have been submitted and produced earlier this year and the submission window is taking a well-deserved break!

However, we would still love to work with you so do keep your ideas brewing till our our submission window re-opens after November. Thank you so much for your interest in working with us!


How Lyfta supports your work

Filmmakers who work with Lyfta receive support from our in-house content team, composed of experts in documentary filmmaking, multimedia and web doc production, pedagogy and anthropology. We believe that the combination of our skills and experience and yours nurtures innovation and produces groundbreaking content for our audience of media-connoisseurs: children and young people. Lyfta allows you to reach the new documentary audiences of the future.

What rights we need

All Lyfta documentaries need to have global educational rights available. We’re very happy to discuss your other plans for distribution with you, including festivals - we want Lyfta documentaries to be high profile!

Frequently asked questions

What are we looking for?

Lyfta is a digital learning platform that centres on immersive 360° environments and short documentary films. We have an open call for powerful character-based short documentaries with a strong story arc, that help us all better understand ourselves as individuals, communities and an entire planet. 

We want stories from all over the world, ideally made by filmmakers local to the stories, which depict a personal story that opens up to a wider societal issue. We want to work with a diverse range of filmmakers, and are excited to work with filmmaking talent who may not already be known to us.

Lyfta documentaries need to be aimed at a young audience, encouraging empathy, building connections and challenging stereotypes. They can involve hard-hitting subjects exploring big social issues, or they can be more light-hearted. Either way, they need to be made with a young audience in mind.

Our films vary a lot in theme and style, but our preference is for films told observationally, rather than relying on talking heads. We want Lyfta films to look and sound beautiful, and to move at a fast pace which will keep our audience interested. Our films are usually under 10 minutes in length.

When can you pitch to us?

We take pitches for films at any stage of production, from concept through to completed films. We can work with short documentary ideas exclusively designed for Lyfta, shorts which will also have a life on other non-educational platforms, and versions of feature documentaries. 

In your pitch, we want to have a strong sense of the personality and motivations of your main character, the story arc, and the style in which you’ll make the film. We’d also love to see a trailer or teaser clip featuring your main character. If you’re early in production, it can be a self-filmed clip or even just photos. 

We also ask you for your initial ideas on 360° scenes for the storyworlds in which the documentaries will live.

What is a storyworld?

Lyfta films are housed on our platform in ‘storyworlds’ - fully spherical 360° environments that learners are able to see, hear and interact with from all possible views. Each storyworld is made up of a variety of 360° scenes that our users journey through, engaging with the film and additional visual and written content as they go. When we commission films, we train filmmakers in the art of 360° photography and video. Through this training, filmmakers are given the opportunity to further immerse viewers in their stories, maximising the creative, educational and impactful potential of their films.

Current Focus Areas

We’re interested in any of your ideas from anywhere, but we particularly want ideas in these areas:

India, China, Oceania & Pacific islands, Middle East & North Africa, Central and Southern Africa.

Although we’re interested in hearing ideas from anywhere as long as they hit one of our priorities and feature great stories and characters.